Contact us with your questions and queries. We make sure your question reaches the right person.

If you wish to contact the registrar or the archive, we recommend you contact them directly. Contact information can be found on this page. You are welcome to submit all other questions.

Does your question concern a specific education? Please include in your message which programme or course it pertains to.

Your data is safe with us

Malmö University is responsible for processing personal data within the institution's operations in accordance with the data protection regulation (GDPR). For more information about how your personal data is processed, visit

Please do not include sensitive personal or confidential information in your message. If your question concerns a matter with sensitive personal data, you are welcome to contact us by phone instead.

Other ways to contact us

Contact the registrar

Contact the registrar if you want to access public documents.

Contact the archive

Contact the archive to access archived documents such as degree certificates.