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- Doctoral schools
- Education, Learning and Globalisation
- Doctoral school: Learning in Multicultural Societal Contexts
- ComBine
- Swedish National Graduate School in Science and Technology Education Research
- Doctoral school: Relevancing Mathematics and Science Education (RelMaS)
- Doctoral school: Sustainable Movement Education
- Finding ways in a time of great future challenges (FinnFram)
- Doctoral school: Pedagogy and Vocational Skills
- Doctoral school: Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature
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- Research centres
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- Citizen Health
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- Faculties and departments
- Faculty of Culture and Society
- Faculty of Culture and Society
- Department of Urban Studies
- Department of Global Political Studies
- School of Arts and Communication
- Faculty of Education and Society
- Faculty of Education and Society
- Department of Childhood, Education and Society
- Department of Sports Sciences
- Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society
- Department of School Development and Leadership
- Department of Culture, Languages and Media
- Department of Society, Culture and Identity
- Faculty of Technology and Society
- Faculty of Technology and Society
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On the page
Faculty of Education and Society
Education and Society
The Faculty of Education and Society offers professional training in the fields of schools, culture, leisure and sport. The faculty runs one of Sweden’s largest teacher training programmes, offering students a choice of four degrees: preschool teacher, primary teacher, secondary teacher or vocational teacher. On this page you can read about our activities.
Education at the Faculty of Education and Society
In addition to programmes and courses for sports scientists, historians, teachers, special needs pedagogues, special needs teachers and study and career counsellors, the faculty also offers second and third-cycle programmes, freestanding courses, continuing professional development and contract education. The faculty is characterised by innovative programme design and collaborations with schools, municipalities, non-governmental organisations and the private sector.
Programmes and courses
Som förskollärare har du ett kreativt och viktigt arbete med att...
Programmes and courses
Om du väljer läraryrket väntar ett stimulerande och spännande...
Programme, grundnivå | 180 hp
Historia: Inriktning mot kulturarvsstudier
1 september 2025 - 4 juni 2028 -
Programmes and courses
Idrottsvetenskapligt program
Intresset för idrott, hälsofrågor och fysisk aktivitet bara...
Programmes and courses
Kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning, 60 hp
Har du en akademisk examen från högskola eller universitet sedan...
Programmes and courses
Kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning, 75 hp
Har du en akademisk examen från högskola eller universitet sedan...
Programmes and courses
Kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning, 90 hp
Kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning (KPU) 90 högskolepoäng...
Programme, grundnivå | 120 hp
Kompletterande utbildning för utländska akademiker, Individuell studieplan
20 januari 2025 - 17 januari 2027 -
Programme, avancerad nivå | 90 hp
Speciallärarprogrammet: Grav språkstörning
1 september 2025 - 4 juni 2028Open for application -
Programme, avancerad nivå | 90 hp
Speciallärarprogrammet: Matematikutveckling
1 september 2025 - 4 juni 2028Open for application -
Programme, avancerad nivå | 90 hp
Speciallärarprogrammet: Språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling
1 september 2025 - 4 juni 2028Open for application -
Programme, avancerad nivå | 90 hp
Specialpedagogprogrammet: Specialpedagogprogrammet, 90 hp
Various start and end datesOpen for application -
Programme, avancerad nivå | 90 hp
Specialpedagogprogrammet: profil språk- och kommunikationsutveckling, 90 hp
1 september 2025 - 17 januari 2027Open for application -
Programme, grundnivå | 180 hp
Studie- och yrkesvägledarutbildningen
Various start and end dates -
Programme, grundnivå | 150 hp
Utlandsutbildade lärares vidareutbildning, (ULV)
1 september 2025 - 16 januari 2028 -
Programme, grundnivå | 120 hp
Vidareutbildning av lärare (VAL)
1 september 2025 - 3 juni 2029 -
Programme, grundnivå | 90 hp
Various start and end dates -
Programmes and courses
Vill du arbeta med ungdomar i en spännande ålder på tröskeln til...
Programme, avancerad nivå | 60 hp
Arbetsvetenskap: Karriärutveckling, magisterprogram
1 september 2025 - 6 juni 2027 -
Programme, master’s level | 120 credits
Education: Educational Theory, Master's Programme (Two-Year)
1 September 2025 - 6 June 2027 -
Programme, master’s level | 120 credits
English and Education: Master's Programme (Two-Year)
Various start and end datesOpen for application -
Programme, avancerad nivå | 120 hp
Historiska studier - magister-/masterprogram
1 september 2025 - 6 juni 2027 -
Programme, avancerad nivå | 120 hp
Pedagogik och yrkeskunnande: Masterprogram
1 september 2025 - 3 juni 2029 -
Programmes and courses
Pedagogik och ämnesdidaktik: Magister- och masterutbildning
Malmö universitet erbjuder vidareutbildningar på avancerad nivå...
Programmes and courses
Specialpedagogik: masterutbildning genom fristående kurser
Specialpedagogik: masterexamen genom fristående kurser
Programme, master’s level | 60 credits
Sport Sciences: Sport in Society, Master's Programme (One-Year)
1 September 2025 - 7 June 2026 -
Programme, master’s level | 120 credits
Sport Sciences: Sport in Society, Master's Programme (Two-Year)
1 September 2025 - 6 June 2027 -
Programme, master’s level | 60 credits
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Master's Programme (One -Year)
1 September 2025 - 6 June 2027 -
Programme, master’s level | 120 credits
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Master's Programme (Two -Year)
1 September 2025 - 3 June 2029
Admission to a later part of a programme
You can apply for admission to a later part of a programme if you meet the programme's entry requirements and have already completed studies that are equivalent to parts of the programme.
News and events at the Faculty of Education and Society
Further training for teachers with a foreign degree
Since 2019, Malmö University has been offering the programme Complementrary education for teachers with a foreign degree (ULV).
Further training for teachers with a foreign degree
Complementary training for foreign academics
The programme is for people who have an academic degree from another country and want to use their foreign qualification in the Swedish labour market. The programme allows you to complement your knowledge and experience, to continue working in your field, or to find a new career direction.
Research at the Faculty of Education and Society
With a strong commitment to society, we conduct multidisciplinary research. The research spans the field of educational studies with a focus on various subjects and forms of education, including teacher training, the broad fields of history and cultural studies, and also sports studies.
Our research often takes place in relation to and in collaboration with society, for example, schools, museums, sports associations, and idea-based organisations. In this way, the faculty contributes, together with other actors, to long-term and scientifically-based solutions for community and school development.
Research project
Human Rights Mobilisation of Welfare Professionals Against the Informers Act - Arguments, Strategies and Practices (HUMASP)
jacob.lind@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Teaching and Learning Religion: Educational Practices in Swedish Wicca
olivia.cejvan@malmo-university.com -
Research project
The Literary Canon in Sweden. Consensus and Conflict in Educational Policy, Public Debate and Pedagogical Practice
magnus.persson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Practicing Hope: Challenging myths and changing narratives of youth in super-diverse urban communities (YouHope)
jacob.lind@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Proximal authority: towards a theory of how favoritism and gender shape authority
manon.hedenborg-white@malmo-university.com -
Research project
History teaching that promote pupils' handling of historical accounts - An intervention study in collaboration between teachers and...
david.rosenlund@malmo-university.com -
Research project
The politics of mineral extraction: Ghana's Artisanal and Small Scale Mining Sector in perspective
joel.agbesinyale@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Researching the Teaching and Learning of Action Competence in Relation to Sustainability
hanna.hofverberg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Conditions for reading and writing development? Collaboration between schools and libraries in socially disadvantaged areas
robert.wallden@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Educational background, language learning strategies and language development among adult second-language learners of Swedis
robert.wallden@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Wordless picturebooks and their potential for literacy development in diverse classrooms
robert.wallden@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Transforming Gender Boundaries in Sport Organizations: Women in FIS through the case of Inga Löwdin
daniel.svensson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
RUT tax deductions for the elderly: New conditions for care practices
sara.elden@malmo-university.com -
Research project
To establish a sense of community: The local cultural heritage in social studies education in primary school
cecilia.trenter@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Memory and Activism. Survivors Remembering, Commemorating and Documenting the Holocaust
malin.thor@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Teaching materials in visual arts education - policy, discourse and materiality in secondary school
annika.hellman@malmo-university.com -
Research project
The Saga of Saga: the Editorial Practices of a Children's Book Publisher
bjorn.sundmark@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Comprehensive school allocation through school choice: How local civil servants organize for freedom of choice and equal opportunity
hanna.sjogren@malmo-university.com -
Research project
How can we combat future labor shortage in the healthcare sector? – Analyses of factors related to high staff turnover and of how...
hanne.berthelsen@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Children and youth integration through sport. Examples of Sweden and Uganda
thomas.persson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Drama and poetry in the EFL primary classroom.
psarri.chrysiida@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Assessment in mathematics with a focus on digital resources and students' identity development
maria.silwer@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Multimodal Literary Texts in Middle School English Language Classroom: Affordances and Constraints
edith.fon@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Doing School, Doing Mathematics
irina.johansson-carlen@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Teacher Research Literacy (TREL): Comparative Trajectories in the Nordic-Baltic Region
shaun.nolan@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Working with the updated sexuality education directives: A process-oriented practice-based study in a Swedish municipality
Research project
Making Mathematics Education Accessible: A Study on How Teacher Education Prepares Pre-Service Teachers for Teaching in Language-Diverse...
huda.alhadi-alhasani@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Digital by default? Older adult citizens and digital welfare interfaces
tobias.olsson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
On the road to gender equality? Gender-integrating processes in the truck driver profession
lisa.ringblom@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Learning, prevention and consequences of antisemitism in the Swedish educational system
malin.thor@malmo-university.com -
Research project
The psycho-culture of school health care 1940–1990: Between school education and medical care
thom.axelsson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Online Reflective Writing in higher Education and Lifelong Learning (ORWELL)
eva.wennas-brante@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Teachers' Deracialization Practices – How Can Teachers Utilise Their Anti-racist Ambitions in Their Work?
sara.nilsson-mohammadi@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Learning Swedish in Swedish: Subject-specific text practices in SSL teaching (years 4–6)
robert.wallden@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Accelerating Teaching - Approaching particle accelerators and new scientific research through online professional development
eva.davidsson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
PrecaNord: Tackling Precarious and Informal Work in the Nordic Countries
sara.elden@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Health in learning and teacher training (HILL)
lisa.hellstrom@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Spaces for multilingualism? An interdisciplinary study of pedagogical potentials and limitations of multilingual approaches and activities...
pia.nygard-larsson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
University teachers’ profession in post-pandemic hybrid higher education teaching and learning environment
adrian.lundberg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
The Mathematics is MInE - Mathematics education for Inclusion and Equity
helena.roos@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Global processing as an indicator of children's conceptual subitizing ability in pre-school classes
Research project
The Ethical Dilemmas of Digitalization: Vulnerability and Holocaust collections.
malin.thor@malmo-university.com -
Research project
The fiction of numbers. How reading is made a public and didactic problem
magnus.persson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Nordic voices: The use of oral history and personal memories in public history settings
malin.thor@malmo-university.com -
Research project
How do co-creation processes affect students' science and sustainability capital and thoughts for future?
Research project
Movement subject knowledge in physical education teacher education
jan-eric.ekberg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Movements and Transitions in Everyday School Life
joacim.andersson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Riding Schools as Future Learning Centers for an Environmentally Just Equine Sector and Broader Society
susanna.hedenborg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
"Preschool-Naturing" in the Anthropocene
sanne.bjorklund@malmo-university.com -
Research project | DOCTORAL PROJECT
Graphical models and the agency surrounding them: Designing and re-design narrative text in early compulsory school
kim.ridell@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Scaffolding writing with a focus om adult L2 learners
hanna.sandgaard-ekdahl@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Exiled: Activism, Identity and the African National Congress of South Africa in Sweden
emma.lundin@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Everyday Life, Worklife and Education in Rural Sweden
janna.lundberg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Critical thinking Discourses in Mathematics Education on Big Data
christian.hans.andersson@malmo-university.com -
Research project
School architecture for future pedagogies
hanna.hofverberg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Critical mathematics education in a context of climate change
magnus.odmo@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Voices from a Sports World during Lockdown - The Corona Crises as a possibility for change
susanna.hedenborg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Mistra Sport and Outdoors
susanna.hedenborg@malmo-university.com -
Research project
Experiences and Memories of Sex Education in School
2025 | Article in journal
”Jag råkade med meningen”
Maria Rubin, Charlotte Tullgren, Madeleine Arenhill Beckman
2025 | Article in journal
Environmental wicked problems in middle school - emotional work in the happenstance
Valentina Pivotti, Hanna Hofverberg
2025 | Article in journal
An orchestra of semiotic resources in a translanguaging science classroom
Annika Karlsson
2025 | Conference paper
Managing non-choosing parents in mandatory school choice systems in Sweden
Hanna Sjögren, Sara Carlbaum
2025 | Article in journal
What do you think you are doing? How physical education researchers make scientific contributions
D. Barker, Jan-Eric Ekberg, G. Nyberg, H. Larsson
2025 | Conference paper
The Right to Education in Sweden and Finland: A Right to What?
Christian Norefalk, Hanna Sjögren
2025 | Article in journal
Haptic Aesthetic Experiences of Drawing
Ann-Mari Edström
2025 | Conference paper
Theoretical and methodological aspects of transdisciplinary education: Mathematics and the socio-ecological
Lisa Björklund Boistrup, Magnus Ödmo, Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg, Mats Braskén
2025 | Article in journal
Nietzsche as optimistic nutritionist: Reading Ecce Homo as a practical guide to a Spinozistic ethics of self-preservation
Johan Dahlbeck
2025 | Article in journal
Emancipated through the basis of cultural heritage?: Intersections between democratic and historical consciousness in the Danish history curriculum
Fredrik Alvén, Heidi Eskelund Knudsen
Doctoral studies
The Faculty of Education and Society offer doctoral studies in:
Science and Mathematics education
We offer doctoral courses for those accepted as doctoral candidates at Malmö University or any other educational institution.
Doctoral courses in English at the Faculty of Education and Society
Doctoral schools
Doctoral schools bring together doctoral students with a common focus. The Faculty of Education and Society runs and takes part in several doctoral schools.
Doctoral school: Education, Learning and Globalisation
The doctoral school Education, Learning and Globalisation is a...
Doctoral school: FinnFram
FinnFram is a doctoral school focused on career learning, career...
Doctoral school: FontD
The Swedish National Graduate School of Science and Technology...
Doctoral school: Learning in Multicultural Societal Contexts
The doctoral school brings together doctoral students who are...
Doctoral school: Pedagogy and Vocational Skills
The doctoral school focuses on the design of research projects i...
Doctoral school: Relevancing Mathematics and Science Education (RelMaS)
The Doctoral school Relevancing Mathematics and Science...
Doctoral school: Sustainable Movement Education
The doctoral school Sustainable Movement Education in schools an...
Departments at the Faculty of Education and Society
Centre for Collaboration and Coordination

Centre for Collaboration and Coordination
The Centre for Collaboration and Coordination supports and drives development through interaction with the surrounding community. The goal of our collaboration is to achieve a mutual exchange where our knowledge and expertise at the University will benefit the whole society.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning

The Centre for Teaching and Learning
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL) is a university-wide centre that offers education and carries out research within teaching and learning in higher education, widening recruitment and widening participation and more. We support teachers in conducting their teaching and students in developing their learning.
The Research Centre for Literacy and Inclusive Teaching

The Research Centre for Literacy and Inclusive Teaching
The Research Centre for Literacy and Inclusive Teaching (LIT) conducts interdisciplinary research on literacy and inclusive teaching in various school subjects and in higher education. Our research projects are often conducted in close collaboration with teachers and schools.
Collaborate with the Faculty of Education and Society
Let's collaborate. Our researchers, teachers, project managers and students are ready to support your organisation. Together we can meet your challenges and need for development. We take on tasks for schools, sports- and cultural organisations and businesses. We offer competence development, education, research, assessment and follow-up.
Our research is conducted in close relation to the surrounding society.
More collaborations
Strategic Objectives – our vision
The Faculty of Education and Society is a coherent, all-encompassing and dynamic academic environment where education, research and collaboration enrich each other. Our goal is to contribute to lifelong learning and sustainable development, both locally and globally. You can read about our vision for the coming decade in the strategic objectives.
Contact us
Do you have questions about education and studies? Please contact us.