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- Doctoral studies
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- Doctoral schools
- Education, Learning and Globalisation
- Doctoral school: Learning in Multicultural Societal Contexts
- ComBine
- Swedish National Graduate School in Science and Technology Education Research
- Doctoral school: Relevancing Mathematics and Science Education (RelMaS)
- Doctoral school: Sustainable Movement Education
- Finding ways in a time of great future challenges (FinnFram)
- Doctoral school: Pedagogy and Vocational Skills
- Doctoral school: Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature
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- Research centres
- Biofilms Research Centre for Biointerfaces
- Citizen Health
- Imagining and Co-Creating Futures
- Institute for Urban Research
- Malmö Institute for Migration Studies
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- Sustainable Digitalisation Research Centre
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- Faculty of Culture and Society
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- Faculty of Education and Society
- Faculty of Education and Society
- Department of Childhood, Education and Society
- Department of Sports Sciences
- Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society
- Department of School Development and Leadership
- Department of Culture, Languages and Media
- Department of Society, Culture and Identity
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- Faculty of Technology and Society
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On the page
Education at CAKL
CAKL offers courses and programs within different subject areas and at different levels, for example within teaching in higher edication, introduction in academic studies and Swedish and English language courses.
Courses in higher educational pedagogy
CAKL offers courses in the field of higher educational pedagogy. The courses are aimed at those who teach and who are interested in competence development in higher education pedagogy.
The courses are applied for via Admissions.se and we encourage everyone to apply in time to be sure of getting a place. Whenever possible, our courses are open for late application. If you make a late application, it is especially important that all documentation is included. When the application is closed there is no possibility of supplementing with documents.
Thematic courses
- HP617A Acquired Pedagogical Qualifications for Higher Education (Förvärvad högskolepedagogisk kompetens), 3 credits
- HP625E Digital Learning Design in Higher Education, 5 credits
- HP622E Educating for critical thinking (eng) / Utbilda för kritiskt tänkande (sv), 5 credits
- HP623E Educating for Internationalisation & Global Engagement, 5 credits
- HP627E Generative AI in Teaching and Examination in Higher Education, 5 credits
- HP615E Perspectives on and Approaches to Challenge Based Learning in Higher Education, 5 credits
- HP613E Perspectives on Research-Based Teaching of Higher Education, 5 credits
- HP703E Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Educating for Widening Participation and Inclusion, 7,5 credits
- HP605A Thematic University Pedagogy, Assessment, 5 credits
Project courses
Currently none available.
CAKL also offers a higher educational pedagogy course for the university's doctoral students.
Masters programmes

Malmö University offers two master's programs in teaching and learning in higher education - a one-year programme and a two-year programme.
Education at preparatory level
Prerequisite courses in Swedish
These courses are designed for students with a foreign education who need to supplement their grades in order to meet the general entry requirements and specific entry requirements in Swedish to gain admittance in higher education. Additionally, the courses aim to prepare students for their further work within college and university studies.
Introduktionsutbildning - behörighetsgivande utbildning i svenska - helfart, 60 fup
Introduktionsutbildning - behörighetsgivande kurs i svenska - helfart, 30 fup
Introduktionsutbildning - behörighetsgivande kurs i svenska - halvfart, 30 fup
Bachelor's studies
Introducing and qualifying courses for academic studies
Speech and Presentation Technique through Drama - RASK, 4 credits
The overall aim of the courses is to develop the student's skills in key areas for academics. The goal is for the student to develop tools to succeed in their studies and focus their skills development towards working life.
Speech and Presentation Technique through Drama - RASK, 4 credits
English for university studies
These courses offer support to students in need to improve their English for university studies.
English Grammar Skills for University Studies, 7.5 credits
Introduction to Critical Thinking and Reading Skills for University Studies, 7.5 credits
English Writing and Presentation Skills for University Studies, 15 credits
Speech and Presentation Technique through Drama - RASK, 4 credits
Swedish for international students
The purpose of these courses is for students to acquire basic knowledge and skills in the Swedish language and to develop knowledge of Swedish society and Swedish culture.
Swedish for exchange students
Students register for courses and programmes via the International Office.