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Quality assurance work at the University
at the University
Here you can read about Malmö University's quality assurance system and the five frameworks that govern quality assurance work at faculties and at university level and how these frameworks, together with the faculty-specific quality assurance work and various cooperation bodies, are linked to a coherent quality assurance system.
A coherent quality assurance system
The quality assurance work at Malmö University is primarily carried out at the five faculties and their departments (or equivalent). The quality assurance work also takes place an university-wide level. Five main frameworks regulate the university-wide quality assurance work and set the boundaries for the faculty-specific quality assurance work.
How the five university-wide frame works together with the faculties' operational quality assurance work are linked to a coherent quality assurance system is described in the document "Coherent quality assurance system at Malmö University".
The university-wide quality assurance work and the close to the activities quality assurance work at the faculties and departments or equivalent, are also linked together through committees, councils, boards and committees at university-, faculty-, and department level. These forums also seek to enable collegial exchanges of experience.
Here you can read about the five university-wide frameworks.
- Quality assurance framework for first- and second-cycle education (pdf)
- Quality assurance framework for third-cycle education (pdf)
Quality assurance framework for research (pdf)
Quality assurance framework for the University Library (Swedish only, pdf)
Quality assurance framework for joint administration and services (Swedish only, pdf)
University-wide quality assurance work
The university-wide quality assurance work includes several activities aimed at developing the quality of operations. These activities vary depending on whether they pertain to first- and second cycle education , doctoral education, or research.
However, two central components are shared within the university's integrated quality assurance system:
- Annual follow-ups during quality dialogues
- Recurring external reviews
Quality assurance work for first- and second-cycle education
The quality work in first- and second-cycle education is intended to continuously develop the education and ensure that it is of high quality. There are university-wide guidelines for some of the quality work.
Most of these are activities that are carried out close to the education, or where the results of the activity are fed back and used close to the education. A selection of the most central university-wide guidelines is given below.
- Establishment and discontinuation of study programmes and main fields of study, along with entitlement to award first-cycle and second-cycle degrees (pdf)
- The course evaluation process (pdf)
- Guidelines for quality assurance dialogues (pdf)
- The Quality forum (Swedish only, pdf)
- Regular external review of the first- and second-cycle programmes (Swedish only, pdf)
- Instructions for course syllabi (pdf)
- Instructions for programme syllabi (pdf)
The outcomes and results of the quality assurance work are summarised in different ways. Course evaluations can be found under the Education web entrance, together with other information about each course.
Reports from the university's self-initiated external reviews are collected in our document management system, Box.
Final opinions of external reviews of education and training (Box folder, Swedish documents only))
If you would like to know what quality improvements have been made since the last external review of a particular programme, or to see other documents relating to the outcomes and results of the quality assurance work, please contact the University's Quality Coordinator for first- and second-cycle education, see contact details at the bottom of this page.
Quality assurance work for doctoral education
The quality assurance work around doctoral education should continually develop courses and programmes, and to ensure that they remain of a high quality.
University-wide quality assurance has six components:
- Review ahead of the establishment of doctoral education subjects
- External evaluation of subjects
- Quality dialogues
- Development of supervision and the supervisor’s role
- Development of university-wide doctoral courses
- Doctoral student and alumni surveys
The outcomes and results of quality assurance work are summarised in various ways. Reports from the University's self-initiated external reviews are available here:
- Evaluation of research education at the Faculty of Health and Society (pdf, 2023)
- Evaluators’ report on doctoral education in four subjects at the Faculty of Culture and Society (pdf, 2022)
- Didactics of Science and Mathematics and Sports Science with specialisation in Social Sciences and Humanities (pdf, Swedish only, 2024)
If you would like to know what quality improvements have been made since the last external review of a particular subject, or to see other documents relating to the outcomes and results of the quality assurance work, please contact the University's Doctoral Education Coordinator, see contact details at the bottom of this page.
Quality assurance work for research
Quality dialogues and external evaluations are fundamental parts of the quality assurance work at Malmö University. Research at the University is subject to continuous quality review in seminars and conferences or through peer review of scientific articles and applications for internal or external funding.
External evaluations
The University's research is subject to regular external peer quality evaluations. In these evaluations, national and international experts make recommendations regarding development opportunities in research activities.
The latest external evaluation of the university's research environments was carried out in 2019. The results of this evaluation of Malmö University's research quality can be found in the report below.
Report "Preconditions, Processes, Performances for High-quality Research." (pdf)
The next university-wide quality evaluation, ERA26, will take place in 2026. ERA26 aims to promote the development of quality in research at three levels within the university - university-wide level, faculty level and institution level. The quality evaluation will also form the basis for continued development work in relation to overall goals in Malmö University's upcoming Strategy 2030.
The activities of the University's research centres are monitored annually in dialogues with the University management and evaluated when the core funding ends after six years.
The last external evaluations of the University's research centres were carried out in 2024.
Guidelines for research centres at Malmö University (pdf)
If you would like to know what quality improvements have been made since the last external review of the University’s research, or to see other documents relating to the outcomes and results of the quality assurance work, please contact the University’s Research Coordinator, see contact details at the bottom of this page.
CoARA – development of research assessment
Malmö University has signed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (ARRA) and thereby joined the Coalition on Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).
The University has prepared an action plan for the development of research assessment covering the period 2024–2027.
Malmö University's action plan – Coara
Research ethics
The Advisory Board for Research Ethics works both strategically and operationally to promote good research practice.
The work ranges from monitoring changes in regulations, disseminating information and initiating educational activities on research ethics to handling cases of suspected research misconduct and coordinating support in matters related to ethical reviews of research applications.
Guidelines for quality dialogues
Quality dialogues are used systematically to monitor the quality of first-, and second education, doctoral education, research and, where appropriate, dental care, at all organisational levels. Quality dialogues also contribute to the exchange of experience, feedback and operational planning.
Faculty-specific quality work
The university's five faculties also have their own governing documents for quality assurance work within first and second cycle education, doctoral education, and research. The faculties independently decide on the design and division of responsibilities for quality work, but they must adhere to the university-wide guidelines.
Quality documents for the faculties
Faculty of Health and Society
- Quality work in first and second cycle education (pdf, in Swedish)
- Education-related quality assurance work in doctoral education (pdf)
- Quality assurance framework for research (pdf)
Faculty of Culture and Society
- Quality assurance management at the Faculty for Culture and Society regarding first, second and third cycle education (pdf)
- Quality assurance work in research (pdf)
Faculty of Education and Society
- Decision on a model for systematic quality assurance work in education 2024 (pdf, in Swedish)
- Framework for quality assurance work in doctoral education (pdf, in Swedish)
- Decision on model for research-related quality assurance work (pdf, in Swedish)
Faculty of Technology and Society
- Quality assurance work in first cycle, second cycle and doctoral education (pdf, in Swedish)
- Quality assurance work in research (pdf)
Faculty of Odontology
- Quality assurance plan for first and second cycle programmes (pdf, in Swedish)
- Quality assurance plan for postgraduate education (pdf, in Swedish)
- Framework for quality assurance in research (pdf, in Swedish)
Contact persons for quality assurance work
Anna Sandell - Quality assurance coordinator
First- and second-cycle education
+46 40 665 72 45
Christian Stråhlman - Doctoral education coordinator
Third-cycle education
+46 40 665 71 37
Daniel Holmberg - Research coordinator
+46 40 665 71 95