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Judges, decisions, and fairness perceptions of laypersons


Stephanie Muessig, Deputy Managing Director, Central Scientific Insititutions, FAU Research Centre Islam and Law in Europe (FAU EZIRE)


In the past few years, judges and their role for attitudes towards the judicative came into research focus, esp. in the U.S.A. An important impulse for this has been Barack Obama’s attempt, to diversify the judiciary. During both of his presidential terms, he appointed 100 female judges and 90 judges with a minority background (Boyd 2016, p. 788). This raised interest on the consequences that diversity has for mass public’s support of key institutions in the political system.

Taking up one facet of diversity, I investigate for Germany whether a judge’s religion matters for the mass public’s attitudes toward the legal system. Based on a survey experiment, I test whether people think differently of the fairness of a decision issued by a Muslim judge compared to a Christian or an atheist judge. Additionally, I look at the consequences for trust in the judge and for support for the judiciary in general.


This is a hybrid seminar, you are welcome to connect via Zoom or join us at MIM seminar room, floor 9, Niagara. To attend on campus, please gather by the reception area at 13.05. If you have any questions, send an email to mim@malmo-university.com.

Join us on Zoom (meeting ID 618 9373 3779)