The library as a study environment
The library as a study environment
Working in groups

Working in groups
The seating environments at our libraries accommodate both individual and group work. You are free to talk, but please be considerate towards people sitting nearby. Students have the opportunity to reserve group rooms at the Orkanen Library.
Quiet zones

Quiet zones
All our libraries have spaces where you can study individually in a quieter or silent environment. In the silent area, no conversations are allowed, and both computers and phones should be on silent mode.
Food is not allowed in the study areas

Food is not allowed in the study areas
Coffee and other drinks, as well as fruits and sweets, may be consumed in all our library environments. However, other types of food may only be consumed in designated areas, or in the cafe at Orkanen.
Rules for the library study environment
Use headphones

Use headphones
—or have your computer on silent mode in the library's open spaces.
Return furniture to its original position

Return furniture to its original position
If you have moved a chair from another study space, please put it back before you leave the library.
Keep the environment clean and tidy

Keep the environment clean and tidy
Please put your litter in the appropriate bins provided.
The library as a study environment
Take a break and have a meet-up

Take a break and have a meet-up
Do you want a break from your reading or group studies? The Orkanen Library and Health and Society Library offer a selection of board games. Relax in the library café, or enjoy the view for a moment, for example in the 'Arbour' (Bersån) where you can find our big circular sofa.

Draw inspiration from the exhibitions, especially at the Orkanen library. You can view students’ art at the Students’ Gallery, learn about current research in the Researchers’ Gallery, or discover contemporary topics on the book wall at the entrance.
The Silent Room

The Silent Room
Are you looking for a moment of stillness, away from everyday stress? The University has three silent rooms where you can pray, meditate, practice yoga, or just sit and enjoy the silence for a while. The rooms are open to everyone and cannot be reserved ahead of time. The rooms can be found at the Orkanen Library, the Faculty of Odontology, and Health and Society.