You who are studying a distance course at Malmö University are welcome to contact the library if you want to borrow books or search for information. If you live outside Malmö, we can deliver books to your home address. You can also book a search consultation and get help online (Zoom).

Get a library card/Multicard

To be able to borrow and request books, you need a Multicard. You order your Multicard from the link below and it will be sent to your home address.

If for some reason you do not want to order a Multicard, it is also possible to get a library card at one of our libraries.

Order a Multicard

Ordering books

If you live outside Malmö we send the books you want to borrow to your home address. The loan period is normally three weeks, but when we send you the books you get a four-week loan period to compensate for the shipping.

Please observe that we don't send books to non-swedish delivery addresses.

Order books

Start by searching for the book in Libsearch

If the book is checked out

Make a request by clicking the "Access options" button, and then “Place a hold". Log in with your first name and library card number. It does not matter which library you choose as a pickup location. If you are registered as a distance student at Malmö University, the book will be automatically delivered to you when it is returned to the library.

You can view your reservations at “My loans”, and delete the titles you no longer need.

If the book is available 

Fill in your details in this form to place an order


Returning books

If you are in Malmö you can return your library books to any of our three libraries, during the opening hours. During some hours you need a Multicard and pin-code to access the libraries.

Return books by mail

You can also return your library loans by mail. You pay postage yourself. You remain responsible for your loans until they reach the library.

Please note: Keep in mind that if your package weighs more than 2 kg, you need to mail it to our delivery address instead of our postal address. Also, remember to mail the books a few days before the return date as they are registered as returned only when they arrive at the library.

Addresses for our libraries

Contact us

If you need more help or if there is a book or article you cannot get hold of, we will be happy to help.

Contact us at: or +46 (0)40-665 73 00