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- Search, borrow and request
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- Access to e-resources
- Borrowing and requesting books
- Order books and articles
- Distance students
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Order books and articles
and articles
Are you missing a book, article, journal, or e-resource in our collections? Please feel free to suggest purchases to us. Students and staff at the university can also order articles and books via interlibrary loan.
Books or journals not held by the library
When you suggest/order a book, we firstly try to buy the book, and failing this we borrow the book instead through an interlibrary loan. Expect a two-week delivery time for books, sometimes longer. When the book is available at the library we will notify you by e-mail. If the suggested purchase relates to a journal, we will notify you when the subscription begins.
Interlibrary loans can be ordered by students and staff at the university, while purchase suggestions can be submitted by anyone with a library card.
Suggest a book/Order interlibrary loans
You can also order books not held by us directly via Libris or in one of our databases. Look for the link “Interlibrary loan/order” or “Find full text”.
What is an interlibrary loan?
If literature that is not available at any of the Malmö University libraries, we can borrow it from other libraries, in or outside Sweden. The literature must be related to the teaching and research being conducted at the university.
What do interlibrary book loans cost?
A loan from a library within the Nordic countries: No cost
A loan from a library in another part of the world: SEK 150 per loan (except staff)
If an international order is required, we always contact you for confirmation of the cost.
What lending rules apply to interlibrary loans?
The loan period is always determined by the lending library, however, with a maximum loan period of 6 months. If the book is not returned upon request, you will be required to pay the charge the library owes the lending library. Sometimes an interlibrary loan cannot be taken home and must instead be read at the library.
How to order books as a distance student
How do I order an article?
If the library does not have the full text of the article you need, you can often order it directly via a link in our article databases. The links to the order look a bit different in different databases but you can look for links such as “Find full text” or “Online access”. If you go via the links then you do not have to enter all the details of the article yourself.
Who can order articles?
Students and employees at Malmö University can order articles. The articles must be related to the teaching and research being conducted at the university.
What does it cost to order articles?
Journal articles usually cost SEK 20 per article. The cost is registered in your library account and can be paid under "My loans".
In exceptional cases, the fee is higher (SEK 100 per article). In cases where the cost is higher than SEK 20 per article, we will contact you to confirm the cost. Staff can order free of charge.
How long does an ordered article take to arrive?
Journal articles usually arrive within one week and are sent to your home address/office. Please inquire if your articles are delayed in arriving.
Get it now – ordering articles for staff
The service Get it now allows you as an employee of the university to easily and quickly have an article sent to your e-mail.
If the article is available via Get it now, it looks like this when you click on Find full text links from Libsearch, Google Scholar and the library’s databases:
- Click on Get it now (Mau staff only), enter your e-mail address (Malmö University), and accept the terms of delivery. The article will be sent directly to your e-mail, often within an hour.
- You can order a maximum of 5 articles per person within a 24-hour period.
If you have any questions about the service, e-mail ill.orkanen@malmo-university.com
Film och SMDB
How to order an article via Google Scholar
How to order an article via Google Scholar
The Swedish Media Database (SMDB)

The Swedish Media Database (SMDB)
Search service for the National Library of Sweden’s audiovisual collections. Here you will find TV programs, radio programs, videos, feature films, CDs and computer games. Material from the database can be ordered from the National Library of Sweden and viewed at the Orkanen Library.