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Anders Lindh has a PhD in History and a PhL in History of Religion. He has a Master of Education for the Upper Secondary School and a Swedish Teacher Certificate, and has previously worked as a in high school teacher in the subjects Religious Studies, Philosophy and Swedish. At Malmö University he has mainly worked as a teacher in the main subject Science of Religion and Teaching, but has also worked with online courses in the field of competence development and adult pedagogy. He has also for many years worked with IT-related issues and with the integration of formative forms of expression such as image and film in teaching, first in high school and then at Malmö University for more than 20 years. Anders has also collaborated with UR (Swedish Educational Media) for several years. The main research area is modern representations of Indian religion and philosophy in the West. Anders has recently finished a project funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sport Science with a microhistorical perspective on the Sport Shooting Movement in Sweden.
2022 | Book
Kvinnor och män i Lönsboda pistolskytteklubb 1963-2020: Ett lokalt perspektiv på skytterörelsen i Sverige
Mats Greiff, Anders Lindh
2016 | Article in journal
Donovan och Maharishi: några reflektioner kring samhällsutveckling och andliga budskap i 1960-talets popkultur
Anders Lindh
2014 | Doctoral thesis, monograph
"Unity pervades all activity as water every wave": principal teachings and philosophy of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Anders Lindh
2009 | Report
"Det är just det där, att man kan planera lektionerna på impuls...": om UR-program som strömmande media i skolan
Anders Lindh
2007 | Chapter in book
”På samma sätt som man kan analysera ett vetenskapligt arbete kan man alltså analysera ett konstnärligt arbete…” - Handledarperspektiv på alternativa examensarbetesformer och relationer mellan estetiska uttrycksformer, bedömning och vetenskaplighet
Anders Lindh