
I am professor in comparative literature and Dean at the Faculty of Culture and Society.

As a researcher I am expert on documentary literature, photography and film and interested in the relationship between representations and democratic societies. I wrote my PhD-thesis on the report books in Sweden and the problem of giving voice inspired by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and the framework of postcolonial feminist theory (Att ge den andra sidan röst. Rapportboken I Sverige 1960-1980 /To Give Voice. The Report-Book in Sweden 1960-1980, 2002) and have since then published articles on representation, intersectionality, gender equality, the literary canon and literary history. I am one of the founders of the research network Oral History in Sweden, active in the Nordic network of Working-Class Literature and I am currently working on a book on Public Intellectuals in Sweden. My latest publications focus on oral history, scholarship, working-class literature and representations of different kinds.

I also have a long experience of leadership and international programs and collaborations: Head of the School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University 2020-2022; Head of Analysis Jämställdhetsmyndigheten 2018-2020; Head of the Department of Ethnology, Gender Studies and History of Religions, Stockholm University 2014-2018; Head of JÄMI 2009-2010, involved in the EU-funded AtGender and via ICLD involved in several ITP:s focusing on democracy and gender equality in south-east Asia and eastern Europe 2011-2015.