
Associate professor

I work at the department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).

My research interests are centered around:

  • Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) in Crafts, Design and Technology. I’m interest in socio-material relations in teaching and learning, how meaning is made in making activities and how these aspects come to matter for ESE. For example, how meaning is crafted and made in recycling or remaking activities, how students learn design literacy though making, or what is valued in educational “maker spaces”.

  • Learning environments and school architecture. Today, many new schools are being built and there is a need for new learning environments that can meet future needs. In this context, I am interested in how learning is constituted in different learning environments and how the relation between pedagogy and architecture is made in policy and school architecture. As architecture both limit and enables activities, the design is of great importance. However, spaces are not just the physical environment but affected by imaginaries of future pedagogics and so called “selective traditions” in school subjects. This in turn, has consequences for what is possible to teach and learn in a space and therefore important to acknowledge.

I teach at the teaching training program, supervise PhD-stundets in crafts, STEAM and Environmental and Sustainability Education. I am also responsible for the course Making and remaking in the Anthropocene.

I am network convener for Arts Culture and Educaiton at the The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), member of the board for the accademic journal FormAkademisk - forskningstidskift för design och designdidaktik, and board member for the research school RelMas - Relevancing mathematics and science education