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Project researcher
+46 40 665 73 13
I hold a PhD in Urban Studies and am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the project In the Gray Space(s) of Housing Provision: Studies of Informal Housing Practices in Two Swedish Contexts. The project aims to explore formal/informal hybridity within the framework of Swedish housing provision and involves empirical studies in Malmö and Skellefteå.
During 2022-2024, I am also participating in the research project Accounting Practices in Refugees' Everyday Lives, which is a collaboration between researchers at Malmö University and Luleå University of Technology.
In the autumn of 2023, I defended my dissertation Winding Roads in the Housing Inequality of Sweden: Stories of Market Practices, Refugee Placement Policies, and Housing Precarity (in Swedish). The dissertation is an ethnographic study of practices and policy and aims to nuance and deepen the understanding of the consequences of housing inequality in a Swedish context by analyzing the specific positions of asylum seekers and newly arrived individuals within the framework of the Swedish housing policy situation.
2023 | Doctoral thesis, monograph
Vindlande vägar i bostadsojämlikhetens Sverige: berättelser om marknadspraktiker, flyktingplaceringspolitik och bostadsprekaritet
Mikaela Herbert
2018 | Chapter in book
Från rovfågel till byte: om etik som process vid forskning om känsliga ämnen
Mikaela Herbert
2016 | Article in journal
Jakt på papperslösa gör oss till en polisstat
Jacob Lind, Pouran Djampour, Maja Sager, Emma Söderman, Vanna Nordling, Diana Mulinari, Anders Neergard, Emil Pull, Mahmoud Keshavarz, Norma Montesino, Anna Lundberg, Henry Ascher, Carin Cuadra, Fataneh Farahani, Hanna Wikström, Shahram Khosravi, Niklas Selberg, Helena Holgersson, Zlatana Knezevic, Maria Persdotter, Heidi Moksnes, Åsa Wahlström Smith, Klara Öberg, Mikaela Herbert, Rebecca Selberg, Erika Sigvardsdotter, Martin Grander, Ragnhild Claesson, Live Stretmo, Christina Hansen, Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, Mikael Spång, Annika Staaf, Ioanna Tsoni, Malin Mc Glinn, Torun Elsrud, Barzoo Eliassi, Irene Molina, Paula Aracena, Marcus Herz, Philip Lalander, Paula Mulinari, Sara Kalm
2014 | Book
Att laga revor i samhällsväven: om social utsatthet och sociala risker i den postindustriella staden
Richard Ek, Manne Gerell, Nicklas Guldåker, Per-Olof Hallin, Mikaela Herbert, Tuija Nieminen Kristofersson, Annika Nilsson, Mona Tykesson
2013 | Report
Stadens skavsår: inhägnade flerbostadshus i den polariserade staden
Mikaela Herbert
Research Projects
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