
My name is Vildana Bašić and I am a PhD student at the graduate school RelMaS. In my research, I am interested in transdisciplinary collaborations. I use participatory action research and transformative learning to explore students', teachers' and science professions' interests and motivation in development of futures thinking in education.

As a teacher and head teacher, I have extensive experience in working with "Collaboration between school and work life" as well as Education for Sustainable Development. My experience and teaching style have contributed to diverse collaborations where I have had the opportunity to develop in school development, leadership and learning.

I have: * Lectured at Malmö university, Faculty of Education and Society 2021 competence development day focusing on Agenda 2030.

  • Participated in the Swedish council for higher education's podcast on "Collaboration school - work life and learning for sustainable development”.

  • Co-developed and wrote explainers for "Uppdrag framtid" and "Klimatkompis" for Utbildningsradio.

  • Wrote teacher's guide for "Klimatkompis"

  • Contributed with a conference paper to the Teachers' School Development Conference 2021. This conference paper has been developed into an article.

  • Lectured and contributed with development material at SSA national conference 2021.

  • Planned, organized and implemented Caretakers of the environment international conference 2021, 2022 and 2024.

  • Participated in WWF Sweden's MOOC "Lead a school/preschool for sustainable development - a Whole School Approach". You can listen to my thoughts and reflections in part 4. Collaboration with the surrounding community – working with authentic issues. (This MOOC is in Swedish)

  • Contributed with a conference paper to the Teachers' School Development Conference 2023. This conference paper has been published in Lärarnas skolutvecklingskonferens – Syntes 2023.

  • In collaboration with Center for cooperation and coordination at Faculty of Education and Society carried out a seminar for educators and teachers with a focus on learning for sustainable development using the Sustainable Development Goals as a resource for transdisciplinary teaching.

  • Visiting researcher to University college London (UCL), Kings college – London and University of Reading, 2023.

  • Malmö university representative in a Nordic cooperation within teacher education: Sustainability in the local community through Timeout! Dialogue for sustainability.

  • Visiting researcher to University of Sarajevo (UNSA), 2024.

Teaching at Malmö university:

  • Teaching for sustainability

  • Childhood and learning: Science and Technology

  • Childhood and learning: Science, technology and didactics

  • Natural knowledge and learning: Ecology, natural resources and sustainable development

  • Geography and learning: Resources, population and sustainable development

  • Geography and learning: Earth's landscape and economic conditions

  • Geography and Education: The City and Its Surroundings