
Contact person:
Eva Elmerstig
  • Interreg European Regional Development Fund
Responsible at MaU:
Eva Elmerstig
Project members at MaU:
External project members:
  • Lars Rylander – Lund University
  • Andreas Wilhelmsson – Lund University
  • Margareta Kitlinski – Reproduktionsmedicinskt Centrum Malmö
Time frame:
01 September 2023 - 31 August 2026

About the project

Research has shown that patients and partners undergoing assessment and treatment for involuntary childlessness experience stress and mental health issues related to the situation. Challenges in healthcare also emerge in the form of patients and partners experiencing limited access to information, as well as ambiguity regarding the partner's role and function. In terms of creating sustainability throughout the care process and promoting good and equitable infertility care, there are benefits to using digitization and the possibilities of e-health. The aim of the project is therefore to develop and validate easily accessible informative eHealth support to enhance the healthcare process for both individuals and couples undergoing assessment and treatment of involuntary childlessness. With this knowledge, we want to contribute to the development of health-promoting information, care, and support related to fertility and reproductive and sexual health.

The eHealth support is expected to lead to reduced stress and mental health issues, as well as a more equitable and improved healthcare process related to infertility. In addition to benefiting patients and partners, the increased knowledge obtained from this research project can be used by researchers, sexologists, midwives, physicians, psychologists, and counsellors working with issues related to involuntary childlessness and those encountering individuals undergoing assessment or treatment.

The study is a subproject in ReproUnion; a comprehensive EU health project with the overall aim of increasing understanding, preventing, and improving the treatment of involuntary childlessness by conducting research and coordinating knowledge across national borders in Denmark and Sweden (www.reprounion.eu).

Financial support

ReproUnion receives financial support from EU Interreg ÖKS, the Capital Region, Region Skåne and Ferring Pharmaceuticals.
