The research group focuses on fundamental and applied atomic spectroscopy, in particular atomic structure and the interaction of atoms with light. Applications range from the characterization of atomic nuclei and cancer treatments to galaxy evolution.

Our Research

We work in the following areas:

The group works both with general Galactic chemical evolution and tries to understand where and how different elements have formed on a cosmic scale, and also with Galactic archaeology, which aims to understand how different parts of our Galaxy — and thus galaxies in general — have formed and evolved. The research method used is high-resolution stellar spectroscopy.
In addition to international collaborations, the research group is active within the local network Lund Observatory.

Atomic astrophysics
More than 99 percent of all visible matter in the Universe is in the form of plasma. The research group develops experimental methods and computer programs used to determine atomic data. This data is in turn used in the analysis of light from plasmas, to provide information about their fundamental properties, such as temperature and density, as well as the amount and isotopic composition of different elements. Abundances of different elements are used to test different nucleosynthesis models in stars and track the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. In addition, there are important applications for future energy sources such as fusion reactors. The research group is a driving force within the CompAS and LUMCAS networks and is part of the consortium behind the national facility DESIREE for the study of cold atoms.

Atomic data for tumor therapy
The group develops software that simulates cascades of electrons and X-rays released through the so-called Auger effect. Data from the simulations are validated against other calculations and measurements and form the basis for accurate estimates of deposited energy during tumor treatment with Auger electron-emitting isotopes.

Atomic physics close to the atomic nucleus
The group develops methods and software for calculations of atomic data that, in combination with results from high-precision measurements, for example at ISOLDE, the radioactive ion beam facility at CERN in Switzerland, enable properties of the atomic nucleus to be extracted. The research teaches us more about exotic atomic nuclei and the results are used to test the theory that describes the structure of the nucleus.

Research group facts

Research subject: