Studies in Housing and Welfare (SBV) is a research group and a cross-disciplinary research environment. It deals with housing in a social context that is characterised by constant change.

Questions concerning housing have become increasingly pressing. Housing is more than four walls and a roof over one’s head. It is not only closely linked to issues of identity and well-being, but also to future prospects — for example, in terms of access to work and education.

The provision of housing is thereby crucial for a society's development in regards to equal growth and welfare. At the same time, society is facing challenges linked to changes in demographics, increased divides, and segregation —  challenges that are central issues for a socially sustainable housing provision today and in the future.

Studies in housing and welfare gather a number of research projects and researchers from different universities and faculties. The goal is to create a strong research environment that, with different perspectives and inputs, illuminates the issues of housing in an ever-changing society.

Research projects


SBV Working Paper Series

Mellankommunal samverkan i bostadsförsörjning: Nationella, regionala och delregionala perspektiv

Social blandning som lösning eller problem?: En diskursiv jämförelse av Selma stad och Limhamns Sjöstad

Good news for the squeezed middle?: EU’s new housing commissioner, state aid and housing systems in Sweden and the Netherlands

Bolånemarknaden för de prekära: Vilka möjligheter har atypiskt anställda?

Tillträdeskrav i allmännyttan 2013–2022

Narrating Homeownership: Media Discourse and Lived Experiences of Mortgaged Homeownership in Sweden

Salonen (2023)

Att identifiera utsatta bostadsområden: En jämförande analys mellan polisens lista och segregationsbarometern

Roelofs (2022)

Boendeperspektiv på samhällsbygget Gårdsten

Grander & Frisch (2022)

Social bostadsförsörjning i kommuner utan allmännytta: En analys av privatägd hyresrätt och den sekundära bostadsmarknaden i kommuner som saknar allmännyttiga bostäder

Urfels (2022)

From state support to market and financialization measures in crisis times: A comparative literature review of the Swedish and German housing systems

Grundström & Lazoroska (2021)

Gated communities i Sverige?: En kunskapsöversikt om motstånd och påverkan i mediedebatt och stadsbyggnad

Sandberg & Grander (2021)

Trångboddhet i Malmö: En studie av trångboddhetens ojämlika utbredning och konsekvenser

Allansson (2021)

Allmännyttans framväxt i Malmö och Göteborg: Historiska förutsättningar för de kommunala bostadsbolagens nutida ställning i städerna

Sjöland Kozlovic & Frisch (2021)

Etableringshinder, diskriminering och missgynnande: En litteraturöversikt över samband mellan etablering på hyresbostadsmarknaden och arbetsmarknaden

Lindemann & Roelofs (2020)

Blandningspolitik och strategier för social blandning: En litteraturöversikt

Grander (2020)

Segmentering i bostadsbeståndet 2013-2017: Utveckling av bostadsbestånd, demografi och socioekonomiska indikatorer i riket och storstäderna, med fördjupningar i Malmö och Göteborg

Selected other publications

Kadioglu & Listerborn (2025) - Journal Article

The game of rental housing financialization: Institutional investors in the Swedish housing system

Gustafsson, Listerborn & Molina (2024) - Journal article

Struggling for Housing Justice: New Theoretical and Methodological Approaches

Bengtsson & Grander (2024) - Journal article 

The Influence of Interest Organisations on Swedish Rental Housing – Implications for Corporatist Theory

Grander (2024) - Report

Barns bostad först: en forskningsrapport om erfarenheterna av ett års arbete

Valli, Olesen & Parker (2024) - Journal article

Solutions in search of a problem: Opening policy windows for Business Improvement Districts in the Nordic countries

Samzelius & Ulmestig (2024) - Journal article

Talking about needs and rights in inter-agency meetings: interpretive contests in Swedish welfare provision

Tkach, Jensen & Miranda-Nieto (2024) - Journal article 

Making Neighbor Relations Through Materialities and Senses

Jensen (2024) - Journal article

Extensions: The Embodiment, Spatiality, Materiality, and Sociality of Neighboring in Danish Public Housing

Grundström, Grander, Lazoroska & Molina (2024) - Journal article

Sharing housing: a solution to – or a reflection of – housing inequality?

Grander (2024) - Journal article

Two Contradictions and the Shape of Public Housing to Come: A Review of the Current State of the Municipal Public Housing Sector in Sweden

Grander & Westerdahl (2024) - Journal article

Financialization the Swedish way: How Vonovia became the largest owner of former public housing estates through transaction pathways and calculative practices

Roelofs (2024) - Doctoral dissertation

Concealed Stigmatization: Resident Experiences and Practices in Area-Based Development in Gårdsten

Grander (2024) - Journal article

Malmö in transition: What a city was, what it is and what it wants to become

Söderberg (2024) - Journal article

Multiscalar Un-homing: Residents’ Experiences of Interventions for Social Mix

Grundström & Lazoroska (2023) - Journal article

What we share: covert commoning in Swedish coliving?

Bengtsson & Grander (2023) -  Journal article

Universal and Selective Housing Regimes as Broad and Narrow Policy Fields: A Conceptual Proposal and its Application to Sweden

Sørvoll, Listerborn & Annemark Sandberg (2023) – Chapter in book

Housing And Welfare In Sweden, Norway And The Wider Nordic Region

Grander & Stephens (2023) - Edited book (eds.)

The Routledge Handbook of Housing and Welfare

Söderberg (2023) - Journal article

’We are like butterflies’: Children’s lived experiences of evictability and (un)homing

Samzelius (2023) - Journal article

‘It’s like they are doing injustice’: A Single-Mother Perspective on Family Homelessness in Sweden

Herbert (2023) - Doctoral disseration

Vindlande vägar i bostadsojämlikhetens Sverige: berättelser om marknadspraktiker, flyktingplaceringspolitik och bostadsprekaritet

Grundström & Lelévrier (2023) - Journal article

Imposing 'Enclosed Communities'?: Urban Gating of Large Housing Estates in Sweden and France

Kusevski, Stalevska & Valli (2023) - Journal article

The Business of Improving Neighborhoods: A Critical Overview of Neighborhood-Based Business Improvement Districts (NBIDs) in Sweden

Sandberg & Listerborn (2023) - Journal article

Contradictions Within the Swedish Welfare System: Social Services’ Homelessness Strategies Under Housing Inequality

Jensen & Righard (2023) - Journal article

At åbne op og lukke ned: Rum, mennesker og relationer i en blandet bydel i Malmø, Sverige

Grander (2023) - Report

Den kommunala allmännyttan: Fyra motsägelser och vägval för framtidens bostadsförsörjning

Holappa & Sandberg (2023) - Journal article

Hur trångbott är skäligt? – En kommentar till ändringen av Socialstyrelsens allmänna råd avseende trångboddhet

Bengtsson & Grander (2023) - Book

Bostadsfrågan som politik och intressekamp

Kärrholm, Jensen, Foroughanfar & Söderberg (2022) - Journal article

Migration, place-making and the rescaling of urban space

Grundström (2022) - Journal article

Shared Housing as Public Space? The Ambiguous Borders of Social Infrastructure

Grander & Sandberg (2022) - Chapter in book

En god bostad? Om bostadsyta som kvalitet i en tid av ojämlikhet

Gustafsson (2022) - Chapter in book

Lägenhetsrenoveringar och rätten till bostad

Samzelius (2022) - Chapter in book

Bostadens emancipatoriska betydelse: Den svenska jämställdhetspolitikens blinda fläck?

Westerdahl & Grander (2022) - Chapter in book

Marknadens kalkyler och rätten till bostad

Hammami & Valli (2022) - Chapter in book

‘Cleaning up’ Heritage in the Post-Industrial City: Making Heritage, Gentrification and Legitimacy in Gamlestaden

Grander & Frisch (2022) - Report

Segregation och segmentering i Trelleborg

Samzelius (2022) - Chapter in book

Den nya hemlösheten och fattigdomsparadoxen i det sociala arbetets praktik

Grander, Roelofs & Salonen (2021) - Journal article

Area-based development initiatives: a means to an end or an end in itself? – a literature overview on the case of Sweden

Grundström (2021) - Journal article

Sharing is caring?: Kollektivhus, residential hotels and co-living in the context of housing inequality in Sweden

Salonen (2021) - Book

Samhällsbygget Gårdsten: Allmännyttans framtid?

Jensen & Söderberg (2021) - Journal article

Governing urban diversity through myths of national sameness: a comparative analysis of Denmark and Sweden

Westerdahl (2021) - Journal article

Yield and the city: Swedish public housing and the political significance of changed accounting practices

Righard (2021) - Journal article

Researching the Dynamics of National Social Policy in a Globalized Society: A Proposal for a De-Nationalized Analytical Framework

Grander (2021) - Journal article

The inbetweeners of the housing markets: Young adults facing housing inequality in Malmö, Sweden

Samzelius (2020) - Doctoral dissertation

A vicious circle of silent exclusion: family homelessness and poverty in Sweden from a single mother perspective

Grander & Salonen (2020) - Article

Ökad ojämlikhet i boendet i spåren av coronapandemin

Grander (2020) - Book

Allmännyttan och jämlikheten: Svensk bostadspolitik vid vägskäl?

Roelofs & Salonen (2019) - Report

Insatser i utsatta områden: En analys av 20 års områdetutveckling och lärdomar inför framtiden

Salonen, Grander & Rasmusson (2019) - Report

Segregation och segmentering i Malmö

Rasmusson, Grander & Salonen (2018) - Report

Flyttkedjor: En litteraturöversikt över befintlig forskning om bostadsflyttkedjor
