Real Estate Studies research centres around aspects of real estate and land ownership, focussing on the decision-making processes and selections by individuals, households, businesses, and other organisations.

In Real Estate Studies, issues related to real estate and processes related to sustainability, social economic benefit and efficiency are investigated. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies are applied in research and the research field is also closely connected to Transport Studies and Business Economy.

Studies in Real Estate has its basis in subjects like:

  • Architecture
  • Economic Geography
  • Property Economics
  • Management
  • Law
  • Economics

Researchers, publications and projects

Total hits: 21

Malmö Real Estate Research Conference

Every year the Real Estate Studies unit hosts a conference in the form of a two-day workshop on key issues in cutting-edge real estate-related research and education.

The conference started in 2012 with the aim of:

  • raising the quality and status of the real estate discipline
  • providing an opportunity for researchers to expand their networks and create new collaborations
  • to be a forum to meet challenges at the regional as well as international level

The conference is usually held in May and welcomes researchers in Real Estate Science as well as associated research fields.