- Garrett, Jesse James (2010). The Elements of User Experience, New Riders Press, 2nd ed.
- Rowland, Claire, Goodman, Elizabeth, Charlier, Martin, Light, Ann, Lui, Alfred (2015). Designing Connected Products: UX for the Consumer Internet of Things. O'Reilly Media, 1st ed.
Reference literature:
- Johnson, Jejf (2020). Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Guidelines, Morgan Kaufmann, 3rd ed.
- Morville, Peter, Rosenfeld, Louis, Arango, Jorge (2015). Information Architecture For The Web and Beyond. O'Reilly Media, 4th ed.
IoT Prototyping and User Experience
International students
About the course
The course provides an introduction to the design and prototype development of IoT systems to promote good user experience and design.
It includes tools and processes for conceptualization, prototyping, as well as testing the experiences of different user groups, to validate the relevance and design choices of IoT systems.
Course content
The course introduces current tools and techniques for:
1. Visualisation and description of concepts of an imagined IoT system, as well as relevant scenario-based user experiences (UX) that are the aim of the chosen design.
2. Development of prototypes representing minimum viable products (MVPs), i.e., that are of particular relevance in allowing early evaluation of the intended product’s potential.
3. Evaluation of concept ideas and prototypes in terms of design choices as compared to the user experience, as well as the suitability of the technical solutions, in terms of potential for further development into complete IoT products or additional prototype development needs.
Specific aspects for IoT systems related to design and development are discussed to provide justification for the design of concepts and prototypes, as well as evaluation of user experiences and technical possibilities.
The course also introduces strategies for identifying and using relevant representatives of intended user groups to support the design of user groups (including aspects such as gender, ethnicity and age distribution) as well as forms of evaluation of user experiences.
Entry requirements and selection
Entry requirements
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering (at least 180 credits) or a bachelor’s degree in computer science or related fields such as computer engineering, computer and information science, software engineering, informatics, telecommunications or electrical engineering.
- At least 15 credits in programming.
- Equivalent of English 6 in secondary school
100% University credits completed
Course literature
Course evaluation
The University provides students who are taking or have completed a course with the opportunity to share their experiences of and opinions about the course in the form of a course evaluation that is arranged by the University. The University compiles the course evaluations and notifies the results and any decisions regarding actions brought about by the course evaluations. The results shall be kept available for the students. (HF 1:14).