Benner, M. & Widmalm S. (2011) Kunskap. Malmö: Liber (frivillig bakgrundslitteratur)
Franke-Wikberg,S., Lindberg, L., Mårtensson, B., Sundin,B., Sundström T. & Sörlin S. (red). (1994) Vetandets vägar. Lund: Studentlitteratur (frivillig bakgrundslitteratur)
Geschwind, L. (2008) För kvalitetens skull: en studie av sambandet mellan forskning och utbildning, Stockholm: SISTER
Healy, M. & Jenkins, A. (2009). Developing undergraduate research and enquiry. York: Higher Educatiuon Academy
Säljö, R. & Södling, M. (2006). Utbildning på vetenskaplig grund [Elektronisk resurs] : röster från fältet. Stockholm: Högskoleverket.
Vetenskapliga artiklar och annat studiematerial tillkommer.
Perspectives on Research-Based Teaching of Higher Education
International students
International students
About the course
Course content
The course participants will develop a content-rich and broad frame of reference on what research-based education and learning can involve. The aim is also to provide a basis for the development of the participants’ own teaching practice that develops the students' critical approach.
The course deals with research-based education from different perspectives, e.g., the multidisciplinary contexts that the course participants represent. The course is partly based on the participants' experiences of students' and colleagues' views on research. It addresses pedagogical applications based on the course participants' experiences connected to scientific research methods. Different types of student-centred forms of learning will be analysed. The starting point in the different course components are the courses that the participants teach, and how the components of these courses can be improved.
Entry requirements and selection
Entry requirements
First-cycle degree or equivalent
Guaranteed admission
Course literature
Course evaluation
Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).