Course, master’s level
30 credits
Malmö | daytime | 100%
1 September 2025 - 18 January 2026
Course code: IM611L

This course is offered as part of programme:

Course content

The course is focused on five interrelated themes that are central to IMER.

1. The Academic Field of IMER (3 credits) concerns the academic study of IMER with a focus on the history of migration and the development of migration and ethnic studies as a research field. It covers the (multi)disciplinary history of IMER, what it means to study and write about it academically, and the methodological traditions and divisions within the field.
2. The Structure, Politics and Law of Migration (4.5 credits) concerns the global, regional and na-tional conditions of migration. This includes the causes and effects of migration governance, and more specifically legislation, conventions, norms and policies pertaining to labor, family and refugee migration.
3. The Drivers and Decisions of Migration (7.5 credits) concerns the conditions and reasons of migration on the level of individuals and groups. This includes circumstances in both sending and receiving societies as well as transnational networks and pat-terns of mobility, and questions of gender.
4. Integration, Segregation and Majority-Minority Relations (7.5 credits) concerns the relation be-tween diversity and integration/segregation in immigration societies. It includes both comparison of different models of immigrant and minority incorporation as well as their consequences, e.g., integration, equal opportunities, segregation and discrimination.
5. Identity, Perceptions and Attitudes (7.5 credits) concerns the relation between diversity and ethnic, racial and religious identity in immigration societies. It includes both explanations of how such identities develop and change through self-other and minority-majority interactions and their consequences, e.g. inter-group solidarity, tolerance, stereotypes and racialization.

Entry requirements

- Bachelor's Degree with a major in Social Science or Humanities
- English proficiency, equivalent to English 6 in Swedish upper secondary school
- Relevant training in methodology and independent academic work from undergraduate education. This criterion is assessed and approved though a Demonstration of Academic Proficiency (DAP)

Course literature

Course evaluation

Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).


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