
Christina Hansen is a lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS), International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) and Human Rights (HR) during spring term 2025.

Christina Hansen was previously a senior lecturer at the Division of Urban Planning and Development at University West in Trollhättan. Before that she was involved as an assistant researcher at University of Gothenburg within the EU Horizon 2020 funded research project MERGING: Housing for immigrants and community integration in Europe and beyond: strategies, policies, dwellings and governance, and within the Horizon 2020 project on EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions (MIMY) at Malmö University.

Christina Hansen received her PhD in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) from Malmö University in 2019. Her doctoral dissertation connects and bridges urban and migration studies, investigating migration, urbanization, and societal change in Malmö. In particular, Hansen’s work examines how migration and neoliberal transformation of urban space are perceived and negotiated, using ethnographic methods and her own experiences of activism, with the focus on radical left activists’ collective actions and everyday interactions in public space. She focuses on the practices of radical activism that may resist processes of displacement and dispossession by constructing alternative socio-economic structures and practices of commoning.