
I have a PhD in Global Politics from Malmö University. My doctoral project focused on the production and promotion of alternative gender norms by constellations of anti-gender actors. Focusing on the contestation of the Istanbul Convention in Hungary and Poland between 2012 and 2020, the study drew on existing theories of international norm change and introduced the notion of "turning points". This concept captures the deliberate actions of anti-gender actors as they force gender equality norms to undergo cycles of contestation in which they are challenged and changed, as alternative normative gender agendas are generated. The work identified drivers of norm change and examined challenges to gender equality norms in global politics.

I also have master's degree in Development and International Relations with a specialisation in Global Gender Studies from Aalborg University. My research interests include the contestation of gender equality norms, the actions of norm "antipreneurs" in contemporary politicisations of gender and sexuality, anti-gender mobilisation across local, transnational and international contexts.


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