Kurs, bachelor’s level
30 hp
Malmö | daytime | 100%
18 januari 2027 - 6 juni 2027
Kurskod: KK400A

Om kursen

The purpose of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of various visual forms of expression and representation, both historically and in contemporary times. By exploring and applying theories and methods of storytelling, representation, and production, a foundation is created for independent creative work in preparation for media production in the final course.

Denna kursen ges som del av program:


The course is divided into three modules:

1) Visual Forms of Expression in Historical and Cultural Contexts (5 credits).

In this module, students develop knowledge of the historical and cultural context of photography, drawing, and moving images by analysing visual forms of expression from various critical theoretical perspectives.

2) In-depth Study of the Communicative Possibilities of Images (15 credits). This module provides students with the opportunity to delve deeper into chosen aspects of creative practice within photography, moving images, and drawing. Emphasis is placed on applying theoretical knowledge about the communicative properties and possibilities of images. Students will independently choose and develop advanced skills and understanding of different genres of visual expression and the relevant industry conditions by analysing form and content in relation to assignments, clients, and production frameworks. Additinally, students will produce their own lesson based on a self-chosen book (in addition to the course literature), which will be presented to their peers. Students will also deepen the technical knowledge previously acquired in the main subject area.

3) Media Production (10 credits). A longer creative project is produced during the term (media production), where students work in a task-oriented manner by analysing form and content in relation to assignments, clients, and production frameworks, within their chosen creative visual practice. The media production is presented in two forms:

1. A creative work where students carry out a production through their chosen visual expression. This includes a compilation and a joint public presentation of their work.
2. A design documentation of their creative work, which will be analysed and discussed within a professional and scientific context.


Basic entry requirements and English 6 from Swedish Upper Secondary School or equivalent.

In addition, the following courses are required for special eligibility: KK411A Perspektiv på visuell kommunikation, KK412B Teckning och kognition, KK414B Att kommunicera i bild, KK413B Berättande i rörlig bild, and KK415A Vetenskaplig praktik: teori och metod, or equivalent (equivalent is achieved course requirements of 45 higher education credits that demonstrate basic knowledge and skills in visual communication).



Malmö University provides students who participate in, or who have completed a course, with the opportunity to express their opinions and describe their experiences of the course by completing a course evaluation administered by the University. The University will compile and summarise the results of course evaluations. The University will also inform participants of the results and any decisions relating to measures taken in response to the course evaluations. The results will be made available to the students (HF 1:14).


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